Survey shows factory workers seek positive, tech-driven workplace | Manufacturing Asia
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Survey shows factory workers seek positive, tech-driven workplace

Six out of ten will opt for a lower pay to transfer to a factory with higher tech-adoption.

Majority of factory workers from around the world prefer a positive working environment and modernised operations, a recent survey by business software provider Epicor Software showed.

More than half or 52% of the 600 employees in the manufacturing industry surveyed said morale in the workplace is high mainly thanks to their flexible work schedules, having more paid time off, and receiving higher pay or bonuses. 

About 41% of the workers said morale was average in their current jobs and the remaining 7% reported low morale, which was traced to poor management, inability to address persisting issues and lagging compensation.

Factory workers said companies can further boost morale in the workplace by providing more paid time off, keeping work schedules flexible, offering non-monetary incentives and even merely listening to what the staff has to say. 

“Looking closer at the findings, there’s a correlation between morale and modernity. Workers who say they have high morale are more likely to call their workplace ‘very modern,’ while those with low morale call their workplace ‘somewhat modern’ or ‘not very modern at all,’” according to the report, The Voice of the Essential Manufacturing Worker.

The survey revealed less than half or 48% of the workers consider the factories they are working at as “very modern,” 47% rank them as “somewhat modern” while 6% said their companies lag in modernisation.

Asked if they will take a 10% pay cut to quit their job and work in a more tech-driven factory, about 60% said they will do so but the remaining 40% would rather stay put.

Employees also seek proper training to boost their skills. About 80% said upskilling is a priority in their current jobs, including offers for online and on-site training, tuition coverage for related courses, and paid time off to attend the classes.

While morale is high for the majority of respondents, 56% still plan to leave their current job in the next 12 months in hopes of finding a better company that embodies their ideal working environment.

“Manufacturing leaders need to continue to improve their workers’ experiences in order to increase engagement and keep teams productive,” the report said

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